Fiido App Privacy Policy (Applicable to iOS Version)


Effective Date: [2024-02-20]


Welcome to Fiido App (hereinafter referred to as "the App"). We understand that your privacy is of utmost importance, and thus, we have formulated this Privacy Policy to detail how we collect, use, and protect your personal information on the iOS platform. Please read it carefully to understand our privacy practices.


1.Information Collection and Usage


1.1 Collection of Personal Information


To provide comprehensive cycling social and intelligent cycling services, the App may collect the following personal information:


Basic Information: including your name, contact details, gender, etc., for account creation and user identification.

Cycling Records: including cycling routes, mileage, speed, altitude, and other information to enhance your cycling experience.

Device Information: we collect device data, including models, operating systems, etc., to optimize app performance on different devices.

Local Phone Pictures: chosen and uploaded by users. The App will not read them privately. When accessing, a permission warning will pop up for user consent and operation.

Location Information: when certain functions of the App require location permissions, a permission warning will pop up to remind users, and users can choose whether to agree.


1.2 Purposes of Information Usage


The purposes of our collection and processing of personal information include but are not limited to:


Enabling Cycling Functions: providing cycling social functions, personalized recommendations and statistics based on your cycling activities.

Order Processing: handling orders, inquiries related to your cycling, and providing efficient customer support.

Notifications: sending you notifications related to cycling activities, app updates, and personalized recommendations.

Local Phone Pictures: for publishing cycling social dynamics and uploading and setting user avatars.

Location Information: for presenting Bluetooth search results, acquiring weather data, calculating and presenting cycling trajectories, and other functions.


2.Privacy and Security of Locally Stored Images


2.1 Image Storage Location


The App supports users uploading cycling photos, event pictures, etc. These image data will be stored in the local storage space of your device.


2.2 Access Permissions


When using the image upload function, the app will request your access permission to the device's camera or photo library. We promise to use these permissions only with your explicit consent, for the purpose of enabling cycling social functions, and to ensure that your image data is not misused.


2.3 Encryption and Security Measures


To maintain the privacy and security of your cycling photos and other image data, the App will adopt encryption and other robust security measures to prevent unauthorized access, use, modification, or disclosure.


3.Security Statement on Location Information and Permissions


3.1 Personal Location Information


To provide location services, we may collect your personal location information. We will not illegally collect or misuse this information without your explicit consent.


3.2 Explanation of Access Permissions


When using functions that require access to location information, the app will request your location access permissions. Your location information will only be used with your explicit consent for the provision of relevant services. We promise not to misuse or illegally use this permission.


3.3 Security of Location Data


We will adopt encryption and other technical means to ensure the security of your personal location data. These measures aim to prevent unauthorized access, use, modification, or disclosure.


4.Secure Usage of Bluetooth Permissions


4.1 Bluetooth Function Description


The App may use Bluetooth functionality for connecting and data interaction with cycling devices, sensors, etc. We will request your Bluetooth permissions when necessary and ensure reasonable usage, preventing misuse or unauthorized access.


4.2 Encryption and Security of Bluetooth Data


When using Bluetooth functionality, we will adopt encryption and other technical means to ensure the privacy and security of Bluetooth data, preventing unauthorized access, use, modification, or disclosure.


5.Compatibility Statement for High-version iOS Systems


5.1 System Permission Adaptation

Our app will be compatible with high-version iOS systems to ensure stable operation on the latest operating system. We will update the app promptly to adapt to new system permissions and specifications, and optimize user experience.


5.2 System Version Update Notification

When our app adapts to new iOS system versions, we will provide relevant update notifications to users through in-app notifications, app stores, and other channels. Please ensure timely upgrades to maintain optimal app performance and security.


6.Information Sharing and Disclosure


6.1 Social Sharing of Rides

Our app allows users to share their riding achievements, photos, etc., on the integrated social platform within the app. We respect your privacy and ensure that sharing is always decided by you.


6.2 Third-party Collaboration

To provide innovative riding services, we may collaborate with third-party service providers. However, we will ensure that any sharing of personal information complies with this privacy policy, maintaining data security and integrity.


7.User Control and Data Access


7.1 User Control

We provide users with control over their data through privacy settings, allowing you to manage sharing preferences, visibility, and consent for specific features.


7.2 Data Access Requests

Upon user request, we will provide access and review permissions to personal information stored in the app. We are committed to transparency and will support any reasonable information access requests.


7.3 Personal account data deletion

When our users wish to delete their personal data stored on our platform, we understand the importance of this decision and always respect users' privacy rights. Therefore, we have set up a quick and convenient deletion account channel, whether through the deletion option in the app's settings page or by visiting our web deletion account page ( Users can easily submit data deletion requests. We promise that once a user submits a request, Account related data deletion will take effect immediately, without any cumbersome review process.


8.Revision and Update of the Agreement

We reserve the right to modify this privacy policy to adapt to legal standards and technological advancements. Any changes will be promptly notified through in-app notifications, and your continued use indicates your acceptance of the revised terms.


Thank you for choosing Fiido App. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our professional customer service team at We are committed to providing you with a safe, enjoyable, and enriching riding experience!